the Full Plate Farm Collective

Subsidized CSA Program

We believe that fresh, nourishing food should be available to everyone, regardless of income.

The Subsidized CSA program offers folks in our community sustained, reliable access to fresh, local, organic produce, plus all the other benefits that come with being a part of our CSA—connection to fellow members, connection to the farms, resources to make the most of the share and more!

Subsidized CSA shares are available at 50% cost to eligible households

Help feed your neighbors

Our Subsidized CSA Fund is made possible by community donations and contributions from our Collective farmers.

We invite the community to support the Subsidized CSA program through our annual Earlybird Discount or Donate Special, fundraising events like Harvest Dinners and Farm to Food Truck Fundraisers. A true embrace of Community Supported Agriculture and a farm-supported community.

.We gratefully accept in kind donations via check mailed to ‘Full Plate’ at PO Box 6898, Ithaca, NY 14851 (note donation in the memo) or online at the link below. Thank you!

Get a Subsidized Share



the subsidy covers 50% of the cost of the share making the cost to you:

Summer $320  |  Winter $188

about $14/wk - an average weekly value of $43+!

Payment plans available, details available here


About the share

you’ll receive the same bountiful weekly share of the harvest as all members,

you may pick any pickup option at no additional cost (home delivery available on a case-by-case basis to those with limited mobility)

Learn about the Summer CSA

Learn about the Winter CSA


We use WIC eligibility guidelines

View eligibility chart


How to Join

As with all CSA shares, space is limited and first come first served. Sign Up on our website!

To reserve you space:

(1) order your share on our website

(2) send deposit or payment in full. If you are income eligible based on the chart in the application you may assume you've been accepted and send payment.

If we sell out, we will replace the sign up form with a waitlist



Please direct all questions about your share to our CSA Coordinator, Molly

What about Healthy Food For All?

Full Plate is no longer a partner of Healthy Food For All as of March 2025. Our farmers are excited to offer the same Subsidized CSA options as always, with all funding and administration handled right here in the Collective.